Our Services

Families and High Income Earner Tax

Most families go through a similar financial life cycle:

  1. They start off savings and relying on both parents working full-time.
  2. Then, more often than not, having one parent earn enough to cover most of the family expenses . This can cause a tax imbalance, where one income earner is heavily taxed and the family pays a higher tax rate as as result for a while.
  3. And just when things are back to normal, it’s time to plan for the long term.

From start to finish

We look at where you and your family are in this life cycle, and look at everything you are entitled to claim or could think about changing to make your tax life better. Preparing your tax returns is not only about what happened this year, but what will happen in the years to come. We sit down with you to determine the strategies that best fit you all. Contact us to talk about how we can help.